Institutional Development Plan -2021 -2026
Rashtriya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Beed’s, Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya, Wadwani Dist.Beed (M.S.) has been established in November1997. The college is affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad. The mission statement of the institution is Dnyanam Param Dhyeyam; it means knowledge is the ultimate aim.Wadwani is a taluka place situated in Beed district of Marathwada region of the state of Maharashtra. The state of Maharashtra has been divided into five regions respectively Konkan, Western Maharashtra, KhandeshVidharba and Marathwada. Marathwada is educationally, economically and socially backward region of the state. The backlog of development of Marathwada region is the top issue on the agenda of the government. Historically, besides known for Kankaleswar temple surrounded by water .The natural resources in Beed district are limited in comparison withpopulation. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of the region for livelihood. Lack of irrigation, and fertile land and drought condition result in low yield, consequently most of the people of the region seasonally work as sugarcane factory labourers. Beed is known as the sugarcane labour providing district in the state of Maharashatra .Wadwani is a village having population approximately 20000 and famous for Wadwani cotton and known for weaver community. At present more than hundred handloom units are in village.
The Human Development Index (HDI) of Beed district and especiallyWadwanitaluka is very low. So the government has introduced a programme of Manav Vikas Mission and the government provides education, healthcare, and other facilities to the people. The region has diversity in population in Wadwani taluka.Majority of the people belong to NomedicTribes ,
Scheduled Castes , and Other Backward Class.The college is located in rural, hilly, and drought prone area. The college offers co-education and caters the educational needs of the students belonging to the socially and economically backward section of the society and strives tobring them in the main stream of society by imparting quality higher education. The college is situated in rural, hilly and drought prone area. The vision of the college is to remove the darkness of ignorance by lighting the lamps of knowledge and to impart the quality higher education to rural masses. The location of the college is on Beed- Parli State highway, 32 km away from district headquarters. The college strength is 684 and teaching faculties are more than 30. The college strives to provide good education with the help of facilities like library, laboratories, gymnasium and organize various curricular, co- curricular and extracurricular activities for the overall development of the students. The college has introduced four self funded certificate courses based on local needs and these courses are aimed at to develop enterprenual skills of the students. The college has been adoptinginnovative practices and methodologies to improve and enrich the quality of teaching learning process consequently the college results are good.
LokmanyaTilakMahavidyalayaWadwanihas been established in 1997with Under Graduate course Bachelor of Arts.(B.A.). In the year 2009 college has introduced B.Sc. and in 2013 B.Com. Currently college is running 03 with 960 students. B.Sc. and B.Com are unaided courses and run bywith the help of institutional funds.
Introductory Note:
There was no higher educational institution till 1997 in this region. People had to go away places like Beed, MajalgaonAmbajogai, Parali, Dharur, and Aurangabad for higher education. Naturally higher education remained a privilege for very few well to do people. Many constituents of the society like farmers, workers and backward communities like SC, ST, NT and OBC and especially rural girls were deprived of higher education. Therefore the visionary people had established Rashtriya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Beedin1991 and the college Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya Wadwani was started in a small rental building in 1997with a single faculty i.e. Bachelor of Arts BA. Later on the college started UG Programs B.SC& B.Com respectively in 2009 and 2013. Then the college was shifted to huge own campus of 3 acres.
The college is multi faculty and permanently affiliated to Dr.Babasaheb AmbedkarMarathwada University Aurangabad and recognized by UGC under section 2 f &12 B. It has received ISO certification and NIRF-2022 registration and obtained Grade in Academic and Administrative Audit –AAAof the affiliating university. The college offers 03 UG Programs in Arts, Commerce and Science. There are 04 research supervisors and 06 universities recognized PG teachers. The college has set its vision to make students as responsible citizens of our nation by inculcating academic, social, physical, cultural and spiritual values.
The college IQAC was established on 20/07/215 which has been functioning as a catalyst to promote measures for quality sustenance and enhancement in academic and administrative performance. The recommendations of NAAC peer team at the 1st cycle have been minutely analyzed and implemented with priority.
Vision, Mission and Goal
The motto of the college is DnyanamParamDhyeyam. The vision of the college is to eliminate the darkness of ignorance by lighting the lamps of knowledge.
Knowledge is the power and asset in the knowledge based society and panacea for all problems. The college is established with a noble aim to disseminate knowledge in the society. The ultimate aim of knowledge is to reach everyone and make everyone equal in all possible ways. The college strives to provide quality higher education to students from the socially and economically backward community that resides in the rural, hilly, drought prone area of the Beed district in the state of Maharashtra.
- To impart knowledge and skills to the students.
- To inculcate moral values through education.
- To provide qualitative higher education to the community.
- To bring the educationally, socially and economically backward society in the main stream of education.
- To nurture human resource of a high caliber for national development.
- To prepare the students to understand the plurality and diversity in the nation
- To inculcate competitive and humanitarian values in the students.
- To empower the rural female population with knowledge base
- To inculcate the research aptitude and social commitment among the students
- To prepare and implement an action plan to achieve the institutional goals.
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges (SWOC)
Institutional Strength
- Notable enrolment percentage of girl and reserved category students
- Top college in sports achievements in Volleyball in the university
- Organization of large number of collaborative extension activities with Govt. and NGOs
- Quality Teacher Profile, 83%full time faculty with Ph.D.
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD continuous opportunities to teachers for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advances in their professions.) Participation of teaching staff in FDP and research publication is notable
- Organic and long-term linkages with local administration ,institutions and stakeholders
- Commitment with Socially disadvantaged Groups-SDGs
- Good rapport with stakeholders and feedback from stakeholders and expert groups.
- Student centric teaching methodologies and counseling system for handling stress
- Democratic Management, Decentralized administration and participative work culture
- IQAC to undertake quality and enhancement measures in college
- Academic and Administrative Audit -AAA from affiliating university
- Provides good quality higher education at reasonable cost
- Student Support from organizing various awareness workshops in collaboration
- . Students involvement in the College governance is encouraged.
Institutional Weaknesses
- Located in hilly, draught prone rural area and away from industrial Set up
- Lack of placement opportunities to outgoing students
- Low course completion rate or high rate of dropouts ,Poverty leads to high drop- out
- Insufficient grants from government and other non-governmental funding agencies
- Insufficient infrastructure, No hostel facilities, no separate library building
- Science and Commerce streams are unaided so the faculty retention is a problem
- Student –Full time Teacher ratio is very high
- Limited MoUs, collaborations and linkages
- limited access particularly in socio-economically disadvantaged areas, with few HEIs that teach in local languages
Institutional Opportunities
- To implement effectively provisions of New Education Policy-2020
- To apply for various funding agencies for grants for research and college development
- To develop infrastructure facilities and make a campus attractive
- To arrange facilities for E-learning and distance learning
- To recruit full time faculty for B.Sc. and B.Com. Programs
- To introduce post-graduate Courses in select subjects
- To collaborate with various institutes for quality promotion and enhancement
- To use technological tools and digital platforms for teaching learning and evaluation
- To transform the college into a holistic multidisciplinary institution.
- To Encourage the application of ICT in all administrative and academicprocesses of the college
- To address the issues of students belonging to Socio Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs)
- To provide the classroom delivery in bilingual /multilingual mode and promoting multilingualism and the power of language in teaching and learning;
- Harnessing the institution’s locational advantages.
- Introducing ‘earn while you learn’ scheme for needy students.
- Introducing entrepreneurship development programmers for students.
- Encouraging optimum utilization of infrastructure and equipment.
Institutional Challenges
- To know the weak internal areas of planning and to allocate resources
- To impart higher education in hilly, rural area of low Human Development Index
- To attract the students to traditional UG programs like B.A, B.Com, and B.Sc.
- To generate revenue from various sources for college development
- To transform the HEIs into multidisciplinary institutions within the
timelines suggested by the NEP 2020,
- To run non-grants and self –financed courses
- To recruit full time faculty for unaided programs
- To Curtail dropout rateof the students
- To provide physical and digital infrastructure
- To plan optimum utilization of available infrastructure
- To make placement cellfunctional and arrange campus interviews
- To link education with employment.
- Obtaining research grants from industries
- Reorientation of educational programmers.
- Providing a rational student-teacher ratio.
The aims of this current Perspective Plan
- The Perspective Plan acts the guideline and road map for the future development of the institution. It works as mirror or the stakeholders to improve the gaps in various sections of the institutions.
- To develop the institution as per the direction of NAAC and improve status of the Instuition in the form of future quality assessment exercises.
- To lay the foundation for a quality grade institution on the basis of Motto, Vision and Mission statement of the institution.
- To plan the systematic development of institution on foundation of Seven criteria of NAAC and to fosterthe corevalues ofNAAC.
- To improve the institution as the institution giving quality education.
Process of the Perspective Plan
The Perspective Plan of our College is prepared by IQAC for the period 2021-2026The IQAC took the help of HoD’s, teachers, stockholders to make the plan.
The NEP 2020 and core values of NAAC are taken into consideration for preparation of ID
- To prepare academic calendar on the basis of the University calendar.
- To implement Continuous Internal Evaluation structure for the students..
- To conduct various activities to sensitize Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum..
- To guide project work activity for the students..
- To takes stake holders’ feedback regularly for development.
- To make available online mode of feedback facility.
- To introduce more enrichment courses (value added course) for students empowerment.
- To register for E-learning Resources – e.PG.Pathshala/Swayam, etc.
- To organize field visits and educational tours for bridging knowledge gap.
- To organize co-curricular activities, field trips, Quiz debate, discussion
- To motivate students to join skilling courses through ODL Mode
- To run Bridge Course for all the subjects at first year classes.
- To give Remedial Coaching for slow learners.
- To implement student centric activities to enrich the curriculum
- To strengthen the learning experiential
- Strengthening Mentor and Mentee Scheme.
- To make the teachers and students ICT friendly
- To strengthen examination cell for providing transparent evaluation by adding the sub- committee ‘Student Grievances Cell’.
- Providing optimum facilities to differently-abled students..
- To motivate the faculty fo research publication in various reputed Journals.
- To apply Major and Minor research projects. To various funding Agencies
- To organize workshop for students and teachers on outcome based learning approach in higher education.
- To motivate student and faculty to join online MOOCS and SWAYAM
- To promote e-learning and Blended learning approach
- To develop a mentor culture/ implement programsand processes that support peer to peer mentoring across faculty staff, andstudents focused or academic success.
- To employ research based and fiscally sustainable Pedagogical stools and technologies that most appropriately enhances the learning experience.
- To organize seminar on Evaluation Reforms in Higher Education
- To increase the ICT facilities at the college campus promote e-learning and blended learning approach.
- To organize conferences, workshops on research and to increase the participation of students and faculty in research culture.
- To increase the publication of research papers, chapters and books in UGC Care listed journals with ISSN and ISBN number.
- ToexploreCollaborativeResearchProjectswiththeindustry,NGOsandGovernmentalorganizations.
- Motivating teachers for Ph.D.and postdoctoral programs..
- To organize workshops and seminars on Intellectual Property Rights.
- To organize extension and outreach programs in collaboration with industry, community and non-government organizations through NSS
- Enhancing students’ participation in extension activities with Government and Non-government agencies
- To adopt the village to implement extension activities through N.S.S.
- To submit Minor Research Projects
- To organize entrepreneurship awareness programme for employability development.
- To organize various workshops for students on financial literacy and digital literary in collaboration with various funding agency like Maharashtra State Commission for Women.
- To sign academic collaborations with various institutes.
- To strengthen and upgrade the existing infrastructure facilities like Library Reading Rooms,ComputerLab etc.
- To focus on library automation and to provide all the facilities .
- To increase the subscriptions for re-resources and journals for the students and the staff.
- To increase books and reference books for the curriculum and research.
- .To strengthen the computer labs..
- To install solar lamps in college campus.
- To strengthen water harvesting system.
- To increase the ICT facilities at the college campus promote e-learning and blended learning approach
- To focus on the library automation.
- To strengthen scholarship committee for providing the help to the students.
- To conduct capacity building programmes for the students.
- To activate Competitive Examination Cell
- To organize programmes to sensitize gender equality through Internal Complaint Committee. And women Empowerment cell .
- To increase participation of students through all the curricular,co-curricular,extra-curricularand extension activities.
- To raise funds from alumni association and organize various activities
- To increase financial help to the economically backward students.
- To organize capacity building for teachers.
- To increase participation of students in intercollegiate sports and cultural events like, youth festival, debate elocution and essay writing and Avishkar competition held at university level.
- To organize a multilingual workshop to develop bilingual mode( English &Vernacular.)
- To organize capacity building workshops for teachers
- To strengthen the decentralization of the leadership in the institution.
- To implement the activities as per the perspective plan to develop the institution.
- To strengthen e-governance in the institution.
- To adopt various welfare measures for the staff.
- To organize faculty development programmes for teaching and administrative staff.
- To motivate the faculty for attending orientation and refresher and FDP courses.
- External audits to develop the qualitative ulture of the institution.
- To develop departments of all the faculties to attend learning out come sof their courses.
- TodoAAA, ISO,GreenAudit,EnvironmentAudit,GenderAuditetc.
- To do MoU with the educational institution and NGOs to strengthen the activities andsupporttheresearchactivities.
- To increase number of Quality initiatives by IQAC.
- To prepare implementation plan of NEP-2020
- To organize seminars on multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary in view of NEP-2020
- To update the Alumni data with details and increase theircontribution in college development.
- To build strong relationship with stakeholders, employers, students, government community,parents and various organizations.
- To strengthen department level best practices.
- To Organize gender equality programmes.
- To adopt energy conservation measures.
- To strengthen waste management signing with local Government
- To strengthen water conservation facilities to keep the campus green and to providecarbonfreecampus.
- To provide facilities to disabled students.
- To organize various programmes for creating tolerance and harmony towards culture.
- To go for Gender Audit.
- To conduct Energy Audit.
- To increase environmental consciousness among studentsand staff.
- To organize workshop on professional ethics and values.To organize awareness program on Cyber Security.
- To adopt eco-friendly practices in college campus.
- To organize activities related to Water Management.
- To work as per the vision and mission of the institution
Institutional Development Plan Committee
Name | Designation |
Dr.Pawar K.M | Principal |
PanjabraoMaske | Member – Management |
Shri.Bhalerao S.K | Vice-Principal |
Dr.Kulkarni B.G | Member -Teacher |
Dr.Sasane M.D | Member –Teacher |
Dr.Khetri A.S | Member –Teacher |
Dr.Maykar R.B | Member –Teacher |
Dr.Pandav G.S | Member –Teacher |
Dr.Tandle S.K | Member –Teacher |
Shri.Pokale S.M | Member –Teacher |
Dr.Bhosale P.B. | Member –Teacher |
Dr. Patil P.S. | Member -Teacher |
Smt.Shelke P.M. | Member -Teacher |
Dr.Rajenimbalkar M.V | Member Sports |
Dr. Dadpe D.E. | Member Library |
ShriPawar P.I. | Senior Clerk |
ShriDeshmukh M.S. | Administrative Office |
Dr.Salunke S.B. | Coordinator, IQAC |